Bonds and Omens


Bonds and Omens provide new player characters with adventure hooks, starting gear, and abilities. And while they are distinct from character Backgrounds, they are equally useful for building a setting, or even a complete adventure!


Bonds can often tie a player character to another PC, the setting, and its characters. A PC can resolve a Bond by discovering the truth behind its mysteries or by solving its root cause. In this case, the character should experience Growth of some kind, and the Warden can optionally create a new Bond for the PC. Player characters are not required to resolve their Bonds.

Bonds Should…

  • Give a character an item (often petty) or a unique ability.
  • Encourage character engagement with the implied setting.
  • Flesh out a character’s history without relying on events tied to specific Backgrounds.
  • Provide a character with a quest, opportunity, or plan of action.


Omens are the seeds of an adventure yet to come, premonitions of a future disaster, or the cause of a problem the characters are currently facing. An Omen is resolved when the characters reveal the truth behind its origin or resolve its dangers. Resolving an Omen should yield Growth of some kind, either for the party as a collective or to an entangled individual. If an Omen is ignored, it should come to pass and wreak whatever havoc it may.

Omens Should…

  • Never rely on a specific player character for relevance.
  • Alway tell the characters something about the setting they did not already know.
  • Reveal a pattern or other obvious indicator that something terrible is going on.