Green Water, Crimson Stag (Solo adventure)

  • Converted for Cairn from the original work by David M Donachie.
  • Conversion by Le Panda du Mal


The conversions made for this adventure have mostly to do with combat and saves. In many situations a save can be waived if your character has a high enough score in the relevant ability or a relevant background. Players are encouraged to put Warden caps on here and rule fairly to determine if certain peculiar traits of their character can give advantages not explicitly allowed by the text. The same goes for magic and special items- if you have spellbooks, scrolls, or items that you think would be useful in a given situation, even if the text does not account for it, envision how this would work and apply any mechanics that fit.

As far as currency goes, gold crowns = gp, florins = sp, pennies = cp


If you have DEX of 10 or higher you jump back to safety; otherwise make a DEX save.


Crimson Stag

15 HP, 2 Armor, 18 STR, 16 DEX, 14 WIL, hooves (d8), butt (d10)

  • The stag has a 50% chance each turn of using its magical breath instead of attacking (it will only use it once); this will impair your attack (1d4) for the remainder of the fight.


Left out in the air, the stag’s corpse dissipates in a red mist and leaves behind a spellbook. Roll on the Cairn spell table to determine which it is.


The crows may also be bribed with a shiny object from your inventory, or coins (15 coins per bribe, any denomination).


The Draugr inflicts 2d6 damage; however if you are wearing a holy symbol (e.g. a medallion with a cross) it does not pursue you or attack as you flee.


If your DEX is 13 or higher you succeed in climbing.


Make a DEX save to avoid the dart. If it hits you, the dart deals 1d4 damage and impairs your attack (reduces it to 1d4) if you fight the goblin. You have the option of fleeing combat with a DEX save.


4 HP, 1 Armor, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, ice sword (d8)


The crows may also be bribed with a shiny object from your inventory, or coins (105 coins per bribe, any denomination).


If you fight the Draugr, bearing a holy symbol visibly on your person (e.g. a medallion with a cross) will impair its attack (1d4 damage) for the first round. If you flee the Draugr, such a visible symbol will prevent the Draugr pursuing you.


12 HP, 2 Armor, 15 STR, 9 DEX, 13 WIL, silver axe (d8)


Instead of a perception check, characters with sylvan backgrounds (hunter, ranger, etc.) or significant tracking experience will see the trail. Otherwise go to 25.


If you have 14 STR or higher, or a background in boating, you succeed; otherwise make an STR save to prevail against the current.


If you have no rations, follow the rules for DEPRIVATION. If you have hunter, herbalist, or other background related to gathering food in the woods, you can make a WIL save to find a ration.



10 HP, 3 Armor, 15 STR, 12 DEX, 12 WIL, 2 claws (d6)

  • If you surprised the Pukka you get first action and enhanced damage (d12) on your first attack.
  • If you have the creepy twig doll, Pukka’s HP is 5; if you have the stag shield, its claw attack becomes d4; if you have a silver axe or sword, or a faerie weapon, Pukka’s armor is 1 and your damage goes up 1 die (d4->d6->d8->d10->d12); if you have the medallion with a cross, Pukka only gets 1 claw attack.


The silver sword does 1d8 damage. The healing potion will heal 1d6 STR or 1d3 STR if you drink half.


Instead of the perception check, characters with hunter or ranger backgrounds, or other experience in tracking, will succeed and turn to 97. Otherwise make a WIL save to find your way.


If your DEX is 15 or above you automatically succeed in the jump and gain surprise; otherwise make a DEX save.


The Pukka throwing you off does 1 damage to your STR but you don’t need to make a critical damage save.

  • If you have no rations, follow the rules for DEPRIVATION. If you have hunter, herbalist, or other background related to gathering food in the woods, you can make a WIL save to find a ration.


Left out in the air, the stag’s corpse dissipates in a red mist and leaves behind a spellbook. Roll on the Cairn spell table to determine which it is.


Characters with backgrounds dealing with ghosts (e.g. gravedigger, cleric) will stand their ground. Otherwise make a WIL save to avoid fleeing.



5 HP, 1 Armor, 8 STR, 8 WIL, ghostly bite (d4 +2)

  • Remember the rule for multiple attackers- roll all damage dice and keep the single highest result; also remember to roll the Milgwyn’s morale (WIL save) each time you slay one.


Make an STR save and turn to 42 on a fail and 106 on a success.