Falkrest Abbey

General Notes

  • In general, very little changes are necessary to run the adventure as written.
  • Bestiary with monsters and NPCs can be found at the end of the conversion


Climbing the Lune Mountains


  • Characters not protected from the cold must save DEX or suffer 1d4 DEX damage.

1 Entrance

Lifting the portcullis

  • Two (human) characters can lift the portcullis. A lone character must save STR or it falls back down with a loud noise, altering the Bandits.

2 the Frozen Cloister

(as written)

3 Herbalist’s Dispensary

Searching the Shelves

  • Wound balm: heals 1d4 STR damage.
  • Hovering draft: one-time effect of “liquid air”.
  • Black potion: save STR or drop dead in 1d4 rounds.
  • Vaporous transmutation: one-time effect of “smoke form”.

4 Workshop

(as written)

5 East Corridor

(as written)

6 Ritual Chamber

(as written)

7 the Library

(as written)

8 Library Office

Metal Closet

  • Prying open requires a crowbar (or similar tool) and STR check, or the crowbar breaks. Contains spellbook of (d3): “Detect Magic”, “Illuminate”, “Knock”.

9 Columbarium of the Knights

Pillaging the remaining tombstones

  • A character takes 1d4 WIL damage for each tombstone pillaged, which lasts while inside the abbey.

10 West Corridor

(as written)

11 Dark Antechamber

Upon entering

  • Save DEX or have your torches, candles, etc be extinguished by a gust of icy wind.

12 the Abbot’s Sepulchre

Unnatural darkness

  • Dims all non-holy sources of light. Attacks are impaired within the darkness.

Robbing the Corps

  • Make a DEX save to not wake the Abbot for each item you take.

Fleeing the Abbot

  • Never pursues. Sits back on throne and resumes brooding: heals 1 STR per turn.

13 Empty Antechamber

(as written)

14 the Collapsed Sepulchre

Opening the sarcophagus

  • If the ceiling falls, save DEX or take d8+d8 STR damage. Damage is reduced to d6 if the ceiling is propped.

Dawn omen

  • Bronze morningstar (d6), deals enhanced damage vs undead, charring their flesh.

15 the Guarded Antechamber

(as written)

16 the Tomb of Queen Ethofled

Maid of honor

  • Dagger (d6), increases WIL by 2 while carrying it.

17 the Secret Garden

(as written)

18 the Path of Knightly Virtue

(as written)

19 the Hall of Crowning

Killing the knight

  • The abbey rumbles, rubble beginning to fall from the ceilings. Every turn, characters must save DEX or suffer 1d4 STR damage.

St. Brynedd’s tears

  • The liquid heals all diseases, poisons, wounds, amputations and curses. It may bring back to life those recently deceased (24 hours). If used against undead, they save DEX or be completely destroyed. Otherwise, they take 3d8 STR damage.



3 HP, 1 Armor, STR 10, DEX 12, WIL 12, sword (d6)

Cave Bear

6 HP, 2 Armor, STR 16, DEX 12, WIL 10, claws (d8+d8)

  • when hungry, will follow a trail of blood by scent

Flayed Zombie

3 HP, STR 8, DEX 8, WIL 8, bite (d6)

  • can easily be heard moaning.
  • unaffected by poison, charm or mind control.

Giant Rat

3 HP, STR 5, DEX 10, WIL 8, bite (d6)

  • critical damage: infects the wound, die in 1d6 days unless treated.
  • will flee from fire.


4 HP, 1 Armor, STR 12, DEX 12, WIL 6, butt (d4)

Ghost of Queen Enthofled

7 HP, 3 Armor, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 16, touch (d6)

  • critical damage: also deal 1d4 WIL damage
  • unaffected by poison, charm or mind control.
  • can only be harmed by silver weapons or magic.


3 HP, 2 Armor, STR 10, DEX 10, WIL 10, handaxe (d6)

  • equipped with winter clothes, chainmail, handaxe (d6), silver dagger (d4), lantern (broken), 17gp

Icescale Viper

4 HP, 1 Armor, STR 12, DEX 12, WIL 10, bite (d6)

  • critical damage: victim’s body (not equipment) is turned to solid ice. Thawing oil in room 3 can revert this effect.
  • will flee from fire; fire attacks against them are enhanced.
  • immune to cold effects and cold damage.

Iron Living Statue

4 HP, 3 Armor, STR 16, DEX 10, WIL 10, blow (d8+d8)

  • dealing damage to their strength: save DEX or the weapon becomes stuck. Stuck weapons can be retrieved after statue’s death.
  • unaffected by sleep effects.

Lune Yeti

8 HP, 2 Armor, STR 16, DEX 14, WIL 14, claws (d6+d6)

  • magical attacks against them are impaired.
  • fire attacks against them are enhanced.

Rowayn, the Eternal Knight

9 HP, 3 Armor, STR 14, DEX 12, WIL 16, longsword (d8+d8)

  • unaffected by poison, charm or mind control.
  • can only be harmed by silver weapons or magic.
  • equipped with plate armor (3) and magical longsword (d8+d8)


3 HP, 1 Armor, STR 10, DEX 10, WIL 12, axe or bow (d6)

  • unaffected by poison, charm or mind control


10 HP, 3 Armor, STR 16, DEX 10, WIL 14, branches (d10+d10, blast)

  • distrusts fire and those who wield it
  • each treant can animate 2 trees, which fight as treants without HP.


6 HP, 2 Armor, STR 14, DEX 8, WIL 14, touch (d6)

  • critical damage: any STR loss is permanent.
  • unaffected by poison, charm or mind control.
  • can only be harmed by silver weapons or magic.


4 HP, 1 Armor, STR 12, DEX 14, WIL 8, bite (d6)

  • packs of 4 or more wolves have WIL 12.