
1 Adhere An object is covered in extremely sticky slime. Adjacent objects stick to the book with great force.
2 Anchor A strong wire sprouts from your arms, affixing itself to two points within 50ft on each side. If a rope is pulled through the iron loop on its spine, it becomes as heavy as an elephant.
3 Animate Object An object obeys your commands as best it can. Moldable like clay. Childish laughter sprouts from its pages.
4 Anthropomorphize An animal either gains human intelligence or human appearance for one day. Whimpers, purrs and growls depending on its treatment.
5 Arcane Eye You can see through a magical floating eyeball that flies around at your command. Needs a spritz of water to open.
6 Astral Prison An object is frozen in time and space within an invulnerable crystal shell. Silent, abstract, faces scream in anguish within.
7 Attract Two objects are strongly magnetically attracted to each other if they come within 10 feet. Nearby compasses spin uselessly.
8 Auditory Illusion You create illusory sounds that seem to come from a direction of your choice. Produces random and occasionally inopportune sounds throughout the day.
9 Babble A creature must loudly and clearly repeat everything you think. It is otherwise mute. When the text is read aloud, the words of others become unintelligible.
10 Bait Flower A plant sprouts from the ground that emanates the smell of decaying flesh. Attracts flies.
11 Beast Form You and your possessions transform into a mundane animal. Covered in thick fur, its edges lined with small teeth.
12 Befuddle A creature of your choice is unable to form new short-term memories for the duration of the spell. Its contents shift and change each time it is opened.
13 Body Swap You switch bodies with a creature you touch. If one body dies, the other dies as well. The front cover shows an image of the last creature to read it.
14 Charm A creature you can see treats you as a friend. Warm to the touch, and smells of roses.
15 Command A target obeys a single three-word command that does not cause it harm. Grows thinner over time, until finally disappearing forever.
16 Comprehend You become fluent in all languages for a short while. Drips letters, staining whatever it touches.
17 Cone of Foam Dense foam sprays from your hand, coating the target. Spongy and moist with a soapy residue.
18 Control Plants Nearby plants and trees obey you and gain the ability to move at a slow pace. Leaves grow along the spine, and it smells faintly of decay.
19 Control Weather You may alter the type of weather at will, but you do not otherwise control it. Highly resistant to fire and water damage.
20 Cure Wounds Restore 1d4 STR per day to a creature you can touch. Smells of vinegar and thyme. Turns red after use.
21 Deafen All nearby creatures are deafened. Nearby instruments occasionally sound off, as if in protest.
22 Detect Magic You can see or hear nearby magical auras. Becomes warm to the touch if magic is used nearby.
23 Disassemble Any of your body parts may be detached and reattached at will, without causing pain or damage. You can still control them. Regenerates any torn or defaced pages.
24 Disguise You may alter the appearance of one character at will as long as they remain humanoid. Attempts to duplicate other characters will seem uncanny. The surface makes a perfect mirror.
25 Displace An object appears to be up to 15ft from its actual position. Bits of string, clothing, and leaves are sometimes stuffed inside.
26 Earthquake The ground begins shaking violently. Structures may be damaged or collapse. Sand dribbles from the corners, seemingly without stop.
27 Elasticity Your body can stretch up to 10ft. Smells of taffy, and is very flexible.
28 Elemental Wall A straight wall of ice or fire 50ft long and 10ft high rises from the ground. Skin and warmer substances stick to it after use.
29 Filch A visible item teleports to your hands. An ally’s prized possession may occasionally be found tucked between its covers.
30 Fish Lung A target can breathe underwater until they surface again. Smells strongly of the sea. Attracts wild animals.
31 Flare A bright ball of energy fires a trail of light into the sky, revealing your location to friend or foe. Faintly glows in complete darkness.
32 Fog Cloud A dense fog spreads out from you. When submersed in water, the book eventually turns all the liquid to vapor.
33 Frenzy A nearby creature erupts in a frenzy of violence. Rough, sandpaper cover that destroys any book it touches.
34 Gate A portal to a random plane opens. A large hole is carved into the center, ending in a void. Items dropped within are never seen again.
35 Gravity Shift You can change the direction of gravity, but only for yourself. Attaches itself to the largest object nearby.
36 Greed A creature develops the overwhelming urge to possess a visible item of your choice. The cover changes depending on the owner, subtly hinting at their deepest desires.
37 Haste Your movement speed is tripled. Pages flip wildly while open. Can cause paper cuts.
38 Hatred A creature develops a deep hatred of another creature or group and wishes to destroy them. Long term exposure to the book can cause suspicion, paranoia and distrust of others.
39 Hear Whispers You can hear faint sounds clearly. The reader’s voice is amplified for a short period of time afterwards.
40 Hover An object hovers, frictionless, 2ft above the ground. It can hold up to one humanoid. Floats if dropped.
41 Hypnotize A creature enters a trance and will truthfully answer one yes or no question you ask it. Eye-catching, swirling spirals don its covers.
42 Icy Touch A thick ice layer spreads across a touched surface, up to 10ft in radius. Gloves required. Nonflammable.
43 Identify Owner Letters appear over the object you touch, spelling out the name of the object’s owners, if there are any. The book’s interior lists the name of its previous owner.
44 Illuminate A floating light moves as you command. When held in light, the pages become a prism of vibrant rainbows.
45 Invisible Tether Two objects within 10ft of each other cannot be moved more than 10ft apart. Its pages are not attached by glue or thread, yet stay together nonetheless.
46 Knock A nearby mundane or magical lock unlocks loudly. Locked. A new owner “produces” the key after their next meal.
47 Leap You jump up to 10ft high, once. When thrown, it just keeps going.
48 Liquid Air The air around you becomes swimmable. Floats of its own volition, bouncing off of whatever it touches.
49 Magic Dampener All nearby magical effects have their effectiveness halved. Relics within 100ft of the spellbook cannot be recharged.
50 Manse A sturdy, furnished cottage appears for hours. You can permit and forbid entry to it at will. If left inside, both the book and the cottage vanish forever.
51 Marble Craze Your pockets are full of marbles and will refill every 30 seconds. When jostled, makes a playful rattling sound.
52 Masquerade A character’s appearance and voice becomes identical to those of a character you touch. Extended use causes the owner to develop unconscious yet noticeable tics.
53 Miniaturize A creature you touch is shrunk down to the size of a mouse. The text is ludicrously, comically large.
54 Mirror Image An illusory duplicate of yourself appears and is under your control. Over time, the owner begins to question who is the original, and who is the duplicate.
55 Mirrorwalk A mirror becomes a gateway to another mirror that you looked into today. Will not open unless the owner politely knocks on the cover.
56 Multiarm You temporarily gain an extra arm. After use, the caster is wracked with phantom limb syndrome for a day.
57 Night Sphere A 50ft-wide sphere of darkness displaying the night sky appears before you. Displays a prominent constellation on its cover.
58 Objectify You become any inanimate object between the size of a grand piano and an apple. The owner experiences intense pareidolia for days after use.
59 Ooze Form You become a living jelly. Slowly drips an acid that eventually eats away anything it touches.
60 Pacify A creature near you has an aversion to violence. Smells of jasmine and incense. Attracts children.
61 Passage Creates a temporary path through wood, stone or brick. An object dropped on top of the book inevitably falls through the other side.
62 Phobia A nearby creature becomes terrified of an object of your choice. Over time, haunting, abstract art begins to fill its pages.
63 Pit A pit 10ft wide and 10ft deep opens in the ground. A standard piton can be safely stored in its spine.
64 Primal Surge A creature rapidly evolves into a future version of its species. The owner is haunted by strange visions of their own ancestors.
65 Push/Pull An object of any size is pulled directly towards you or pushed directly away from you with the strength of one man. Any force against the book is comically amplified.
66 Raise Dead A skeleton rises from the ground to serve you. They are incredibly stupid and can only obey simple orders. The owner becomes more and more fascinated with bones after each use.
67 Raise Spirit The spirit of a nearby corpse manifests and will answer 1 question. The answers (but not their questions) are forever inscribed in its pages.
68 Read Mind You can hear the surface thoughts of nearby creatures. Long-term possession can cause the reader to mistake the thoughts of others as their own.
69 Repel Two objects are strongly magnetically repelled from each other within 10 feet. Closed by two powerful straps that spring open at inopportune times.
70 Scry You can see through the eyes of a creature you touched earlier today. The owner’s eyes turn milky-white for an hour after use.
71 Sculpt Elements Inanimate material behaves like clay in your hands. Slowly decays on contact with wood or cloth. Bury in dirt or submerge in water to refresh.
72 Sense Choose one kind of object (key, gold, arrow, jug, etc). You can sense the nearest example. The book’s previous owner is always aware of the book’s current location.
73 Shield A creature you touch is protected from mundane attacks for one minute. Bound in rusty ring-mail and is quite heavy. If held, provides +1 Armor.
74 Shroud A creature you touch is invisible until they move. Invisible to any but the book’s current owner.
75 Shuffle Two creatures you can see instantly switch places. If stolen but not yet read, it reappears wherever its owner last left it.
76 Skillful Repair You make minor repairs to a nonliving object. Sewn from the vellum of one hundred books, no two pages are alike.
77 Sleep A creature you can see falls into a light sleep. Soft as a pillow, but yields only fitful sleep.
78 Slick Every surface in a 30ft radius becomes extremely slippery. Gloves are required for handling, lest the book is dropped in a most comical fashion.
79 Smoke Form Your body becomes a living smoke that you can control. Smells of campfire. The pages cannot be burnt, but are very sensitive to moisture.
80 Sniff You can smell even the faintest traces of scents. Expresses a strong odor detectable only by its owner.
81 Snuff The source of any mundane light you can see is instantly snuffed out. If left in one place for long periods, nearby light sources eventually dim, then finally go out.
82 Sort Inanimate items sort themselves according to categories you set. Rights itself when dropped or thrown.
83 Spellsaw A whirling blade flies from your chest, clearing any plant material in its way. It is otherwise harmless. Wrapped in stained leather, it should be oiled at least once a month.
84 Spider Climb You can climb surfaces like a spider. New cobwebs must be pushed aside prior to each use. They are hard to remove..
85 Swarm You become a swarm of crows, rats, or piranhas. You can only be harmed by blast attacks. Easily broken into a dozen distinct parts that slowly move towards one another over time.
86 Target Lure An object you touch becomes the target of any nearby spell. Attracts all manner of magical creatures, spell leaks, and scrying.
87 Telekinesis You may mentally 1 move item under 60lbs. The owner can summon the book through mental command alone (WIL save or become deprived afterwards).
88 Telepathy Two creatures can hear each other’s thoughts, no matter how far apart. The holder can hear (but not respond) to the thoughts of whoever last possessed it, and vice versa.
89 Teleport An object or person you can see is transported from one place to another in a 50ft radius. Can be destroyed to create a portal to another dimension.
90 Thicket A thicket of trees and dense brush up to 50ft wide suddenly sprouts up. Wrapped in vines that must be destroyed again with each use.
91 Time Control Time in a 50ft bubble slows down or increases by 10% for 30 seconds. _Alternates its appearance as either impossibly old or freshly written.
92 True Sight You see through all nearby illusions. Cannot be concealed by magic, and sticks out like a sore thumb.
93 Upwell A spring of seawater appears. Hardened leather bindings caked in salt and living barnacles..
94 Vision You completely control what a creature sees. An unnerving, lidless eye graces the front cover.
95 Visual Illusion A silent, immobile, room-sized illusion of your choice appears. Filled with rich, colorful pages very much like a children’s bedtime story.
96 Ward A silver circle 50ft across appears on the ground. Choose one species that cannot cross it. The covers are decorated with bizarre, otherworldly creatures with thousands of eyes.
97 Web Your wrists shoot thick webbing. The text is alien, yet somehow intelligible, for it is the language of dreams.
98 Widget A primitive version of a drawn tool or item appears before you and disappears after a short time. Smells of iron and rust, sweat and effort. Faint sounds of harsh labor emanate from deep within its pages.
99 Wizard Mark Your finger can shoot a stream of ulfire-colored paint. This paint is only visible to you and can be seen at any distance, even through solid objects. Inside the front cover is a small pocket containing a thin pad of paper, listing the name and date of death of all previous owners.
100 X-Ray Vision You can see through walls, dirt, clothing, etc. Long-term exposure can cause hair loss, blurry vision, and fatigue.